Best way to quickly thaw out steaks that are 1/2 frozen?
Mommy Dearest
2008-11-11 17:33:59 UTC
Best way to quickly thaw out steaks that are 1/2 frozen?
39 answers:
2008-11-11 17:40:33 UTC
I always like to sit half frozen meat in a bowl full of really hot water. Keep the wrapping on of course and change out the water to keep it really hot.

I find that microwaving it if you aren't sure how long to keep it in there sometimes cooks the non frozen part of your meat and then it gets nasty and when that part is cooked it gets rubbery.
richard w
2008-11-11 17:50:00 UTC
First brush steaks with a little olive oil (both sides) -

Then a lettuce leaf over the steaks, place in microwave

defrost 30 seconds. The olive oil helps keeps the steak

juices in the meat, the lettuce leaf with also help the

steaks from drying out because of the water in the

lettuce will protect the steaks. Also the steaks don't need

to be completely thawed out because the olive oil will

keep the steaks juicy. Enjoy!
2008-11-11 17:41:01 UTC
I have a defrost button on my microwave I use all the time. If you don't have this, you might want to thaw with water for maybe 5 min. or so. I also do this when thawing fish or shrimp and use cold water. Put the meat in a plastic bag to retain the juices.
2008-11-11 17:37:25 UTC
fill the sink up with hot water.

make sure steaks are covered in plastic glas wrap or in a zip lock bag ( just so no water gets to the steak itself)

put in the hot water and let it thaw out. maybe take 30 mins or so
2008-11-11 17:40:03 UTC
you COULD microwave them, but... that makes the meat not as good.

putting it in the refrigerator is a safe way to do it, but not very fast.

Hot water works alright.

if you dont have one already, get a thawing board. the one we have is black and metal and thaws things out pretty quickly.
Far-out Fred
2008-11-11 17:36:54 UTC
Put them in a bowl of cold water. It'll take about five minutes to fully thaw them out.

NEVER EVER do as some of these muppets say do. That is, don't put them anywhere near warm or hot water unless you want food poisoning!
2008-11-11 17:37:40 UTC
I would place them in a zip lock bag, and put them in a pan of warm water, do not put the steaks directly into the water. They should thaw within 1/2 hour. You can keep putting warm water into the pan as it cools.. Make sure you cook the steaks tonight or tom. night.
2008-11-11 17:40:34 UTC
Do not run hot water over them. This could cause bacteria to grow. If they are in a wrapping run cold cold cold water over them. If they are out of the wrapper then put them in a plastic bag and run cold cold cold water over them.

If you want faster you can put them in the microwave on the defrost setting, but you run the chance of pre cooking the meat. So.

I hope this helps.
2008-11-11 17:37:33 UTC
Microwave on 1/2 power, or begin cooking them but at a lower temp.
2008-11-11 17:36:59 UTC
Very carefully finish the thawing in the microwave....but be careful not to do it for very long.
2008-11-11 17:40:51 UTC
COLD will cook it and it could get contaminated.
2008-11-11 17:36:36 UTC
Depends on how much time you have.

Ideally, the frig is the best place to defrost. Otherwise, you can do warm water...or microwave as a last resort, but I would not recommend that one.
2008-11-11 17:36:13 UTC
2008-11-11 17:39:22 UTC
Not hot water. Cold water. Hot water will allow it to breed bacteria. Its no wonder why people get themselves sick. It will take longer but it's important to plan a head. Make sure you don't get it wet, you'll loose tenderness and flavor.
2008-11-11 17:38:30 UTC
Run cool water over them. Don't make the water to hot or it will start to cook the meat.
2008-11-11 17:35:48 UTC

Stick them in plastic bags and but them under warm water in the sink. In about an hour they should be good to go.
2008-11-11 17:36:49 UTC
Microwave-- thaw button
2008-11-11 17:45:17 UTC
Put them in the sink in cold water, it'll take less than an hour. Funny, I just did this tonight ;-)
2008-11-11 17:36:46 UTC
thaw them in the microwave
Hannah's Mom
2008-11-11 17:38:38 UTC
turn a dinner plate upside down and place the meat on the plate, it works the same as one of those defrosting trays they sell on t.v.!!
Mock You
2008-11-11 17:36:53 UTC
With the defrost setting on your microwave.
2008-11-11 17:36:31 UTC
hot water. or the microwave.... i suggest the hot water.. put it in a bowl big enough to fit the steaks and then put SUPER hot water in it
2008-11-11 17:38:31 UTC
Lay them out directly touching metal, pan pot.

If you nuke them it will get gross, esp if it's expensive steak.
2008-11-11 17:36:31 UTC

Microwave will make the meat rubbery, even after cooked.
2008-11-11 17:44:25 UTC
microwave for a short time on DEFROST... keep checking them to make sure they don't COOK!
2008-11-11 17:36:46 UTC
put them in a sink or bowl of hot water
2008-11-11 17:38:22 UTC
put under running hot water for 5 to 10min. always works for me
2008-11-11 17:37:06 UTC
warm water
2008-11-11 17:37:05 UTC
get a bowl of hot water and submerge them in it.
2008-11-11 17:36:47 UTC
microwave them a minute at a time
2008-11-11 17:36:37 UTC
microwave on defrost
2008-11-11 17:35:52 UTC
run hot water over them
sarah d
2008-11-11 17:37:16 UTC
microwave them
2008-11-11 17:36:31 UTC
put them in the micro wave
livin life ツ
2008-11-11 17:36:08 UTC
water or microwave
2008-11-11 17:37:45 UTC
put it in a nice pot full of warm water....
2008-11-11 17:39:02 UTC
nuke em
Evan H
2008-11-11 17:35:40 UTC
freeze them again
2008-11-11 17:37:05 UTC
up your bum

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