Until the self-timing egg hits the shops, is there a definitive method to cooking the perfect boiled egg?
Yahoo UK
2006-07-31 05:10:36 UTC
Until the self-timing egg hits the shops, is there a definitive method to cooking the perfect boiled egg?
125 answers:
2006-07-31 05:12:00 UTC
yes, if you want a soft inside boiled egg then you boil the water and drop it in, start a timer at 3 minutes. when the timer gets down to about 20 seconds left take the egg OUT. because it will continue to cook until you break it.

if you want it hard take it out AT 3 minutes
2006-07-31 05:34:18 UTC
Eggs in the UK should be cooked in simmering water for over 4+1/2 minutes so that the yolks are HARD because with runny yolks you can get salmonella poisoning which is a lot more common than you think. Very surprised none of you lot mentioned this before me. It all depends on the size of the egg too.

Before you place the egg in a pan... take a sharp knife and gently scratch a little cross in the pointier end of the egg until you get down to the whiter section of the shell. Make sure you don't puncture the shell though. This releases the pressure so it doesn't crack while boiling.
2006-07-31 06:31:41 UTC
The best way to cook the egg in perfect boiled one is to add a 1/4 portion of vinegar (depend on water content) so when it boiled the shell will just have a crack but not the if you have 3 eggs and boiled it in 3 cups of water and 1/2 cup of vinegar then let it cook.
Nikki S
2006-07-31 05:52:35 UTC
I find that the most successful way to cook a perfect runny boiled egg is as follows:

- Half fill a deep saucepan with cold water and put on the stove. Make sure your eggs are room temperature.

- Small bubbles will soon start forming on the bottom of the pan. As soon as these start rising to the top put in your eggs.

- Time 4 minutes from the point that the water begins a rolling boil and hey presto! Fabulous eggs.

Serve with soldiers - happy dipping!
Der Lange
2006-07-31 05:25:09 UTC
The basic old-fashioned way of putting it into boiling water and timing it so that you get the egg the way YOU like it is of course cheap, efficient and requires you to spend a little time until you get it right.

But there are two other methods I have found are QUITE successful and relatively automatic.

One is to use an "egg coddler" - although again you have to learn exactly how long it sits in the boiling water to produce the perfect egg for you, it is tidy and even permits you to include some tasty spices, bits of bacon or sausage, cheese or croutons. The egg coddler is a porcelain cup with a screw top - they are docorative as well as functional. Of course, in this case your egg exits the coddler sans shell - but it is of course already firm and you can put it into a little bag or plastic holder if you wish to have it later.

The perfect boiled egg in the shell comes out of the wonderful "egg muffin toaster."

I love this invention. I bought it last year INSTEAD of an egg coddler - they cost about the same - and by Christmas had given 4 to my kids and friends. It will toast your English muffin, sliced croissant, bagel or bread, heat up some pre-cooked meat such as bacon or sausage, AND cook your eggs so that all is ready to eat at the same time - in about 4 minutes! I turn mine on, then go shower, and when I'm done it's breakfast time!

The toaster uses steam to cook eggs and heat the meat. You can either cook a scrambled or poached egg, or make up to 4 boiled eggs. You simply vary the amount of water - there's a nifty measuring cop with a shell-piercer on the bottom so that eggs in the shell don't blow up! - according to the number of eggs and the degree of doneness. The manual gives cooking times and amount of water. I prefer using distilled or filtered water to avoid getting a bit of scum buildup in the heating basin of the toaster.

Using this device IS in a sense having a self-timing egg!
2006-08-02 22:22:31 UTC
Fill a saucepan with water. Lightly place the egg(s) in the pan. Turn cover the pan and bring to a boil. Turn off the stove. Wait 5min (softer) or 6min(harder).

With the egg(s) still in the pan, hold the pan in the sink and run cold water over the eggs. The cold water will push out the hot water. Continue running cold water on the eggs until only cold water is in the pan. Then take out the egg(s) and dump out the cold water. Knock the egg(s) on something to break the shell a little. Begin peeling. Peel in large chunks by peeling under the thin skin layer. The shell will just pop and slide off perfectly.

Wala, a perfect boiled egg. Use some seasoned salt on it for a perfect snack.
2006-07-31 05:23:32 UTC
I place in boiling water and boil for 3 mins then immediately takeout, run under cold tap and take the top off. The yolk keeps on cooking until it is broken into, explains why if you're having 2 eggs for brekkie first one is perfect and by the time you start on the second it is baked hard.

They were talking about the perfect soft boiled egg on my local radio station this morning, and the presenter said that he puts the eggs in boiling water, sings "On The Street Where You Live" and they are perfect!

Might not work, but made me smile anyway.
2006-07-31 07:36:38 UTC
Keep your eggs stored in the refrigirator after all they are dairy products and can go off.

Boil some lightly salted water (brings down the boiling point) in a saucepan. Keep the water on simmer above the level of the egg.

Using a spoon place the egg to the bottom of the saucepan, gently resting it on the bottom of the saucepan totally submerged.

Depending on the size of the egg and how you like to eat it will give you your desired results.

For example we use extra large (breakfast) free range eggs and I like my white solid but the yolk runny. Therefore using the above method 5 minutes is exactly right. Place the egg directly into an egg cup, leave to stand for 1 minute and then enjoy.
2006-07-31 09:55:08 UTC
Place the fridge temperature eggs in a pan of cold water (no more than 6 in the pan) and bring quickly to the boil, reduce the temperature promtly to a gentle bubbling boil and time for 2 minutes for a soft egg or 3 minutes for 'sticky' egg. Remove from water immediately and stand in cup for 30 seconds before opening.
2006-07-31 06:04:44 UTC
When I want a soft inside boiled egg, I simply put it into cold salty water and cook it for about three minutes.

When I want a hard inside, I do the same thing, only I cook the egg a bit longer.

Of course it all depends on the size of an egg. But salt is essential.

Nigella Lawson once said in 'Nigella Bites' that she puts a match into the pan. I tried it once, combined with salt - the egg didn't break.
2006-07-31 06:01:53 UTC
The easy and best way to cook a perfect boil egg is that boil water in the pan for 4 to 5 minutes and add 2 pinches of salt in it. then put egg and boil for 5 to 8 minutes depending what actually you want. if you want half boil egg , then let it cook for 6 minutes and if you want full boil egg then let it boil for 10 minutes.
2006-07-31 06:25:37 UTC
Cooking the egg to your desire depends on the size of the egg and also where in the world you're cooking it.

Because atmospheric pressure is lower in the mountains, water boils at a lower temperatire. Therefore, in the mountains you need to 'boil' the egg for longer.

The larger the egg, the longer it needs to boil to cook the yolk.

There is no definitive answer as to 'how long', otherwise we'd have realised that by now.

Which means that nobody (in the world) knows how to boil an egg.
2006-07-31 06:22:15 UTC
For soft-boiling an egg

-Bring a pan with enough water to cover an egg to the boil. Add the egg(s) and cook for 3-4 mins.

For hard-boiling an egg

-Bring a pan with enough water to cover an egg to the boil. Add the egg(s) and cook for 7+ mins.

But for the PERFECT egg...

-In both cases add some salt to the boiling water. This will prevent the shell from cracking whilst the egg is cooking, hence keeping the egg whole.

-For hard-boiling add some vinegar to the boiling water. This will prevent the outer layer of the yolk turning grey in colour, retaining its more appetising golden yellow.

Hope this helps!

2006-07-31 06:16:48 UTC
Place your egg(s) in a saucepan, fill with cold water until it just about covers the egg(s).

Put 15ml of vinegar in to stop the white coming out of the egg when boiling.

Heat the water / egg(s) on a good heat. For a runny egg time for 2 minutes from when the water starts boiling vigourisly. For a solid egg try 4 minutes.

That's how you get the perfect boiled egg lad!
Ghost of Jimi
2006-07-31 05:41:59 UTC
Put egg (or eggs) in a saucepan of water. Bring to the boil. When the water reaches boiling point, time for 3 minutes. Result - perfect soft boiled eggs.
2006-07-31 09:42:14 UTC
You should always put the egg in the water before it has boiled to stop the risk of breaking it. Once it has boiled time it for four minutes for a medium egg and you will have a hard white and a runny yolk perfect for soldiers - otherwise just buy an egg timer, or get soemone else to do it
2006-07-31 08:56:14 UTC
Depends on what you mean by the perfect boiled egg. If you like yours with the white set, and the yolk runny enough for soldiers. try this - place the egg in a pan of cold water as usual BUT, as soon as the water boils. take the pan off the heat and leave it to stand for 5 minutes. This methods also helps to prevent the shell cracking, and saves electricity.

Dip those soldiers!!!!
2006-07-31 06:50:52 UTC
For consistently perfect soft-boiled eggs Bring the water to the boil and leave the eggs in the fridge. Go to the other room, put on "Torn" by Natalie Imbruglia. Walk back to the kitchen get the eggs out of the fridge and put them in the boiling water.

As the music fades take your eggs out of the water. They will be perfect every time.

This method only works consistently with medium sized eggs.
2006-07-31 06:47:01 UTC
You really dont need to waste money on a timer. It's so simple to get the perfect egg with a nice runny yolk to dip in your scumptious soliders. Pop eggs or egg in a saucepan of cold water so that the water obviously covers the egg. As soon as the water begins to boil, time exactly 3.5 mins.

The eggs should then be rinsed under cold water (so that you can pick them up with your hands) and cracked open immediately.

Happy dipping

Help i've lost my mountain goat! I cant imagine people boiling eggs on top of Snowdonia
Bernadette K
2006-07-31 06:46:20 UTC
Place egg in saucepan of water. Once boiling has begun give at least two minutes before lifting out of the pan. If the water quickly evapourates from the shell, it is quite a good indication that the egg is cooked. If two eggs are to be consumed, take one egg out about a minute prematurely and wrap in a tea towel or tea cosy basically something to maintain the heat so the egg continues to cook whilst you are dipping your soldiers in the first.

Contrary to popular myth, it is not good to place eggs in boiling water as the shells usually fracture and take in water especially if the eggs were stored in a refrigerator.
Tyger H
2006-07-31 06:41:49 UTC
The egg should be submerged in boikling water for 3 minutes, to enable the whites to set but the yolk stay runny. Four minutes will provide a slightly firmer centre. The longer you boil the egg the firmer the yolk becomes.

This is the way that people have been cooking eggs for centuries. It's not exactly rocket science, is it folks?
peter q
2006-07-31 05:58:59 UTC
Boil the water in the pan, then drop the egg in. Start the timer at 10 minutes.

After 1 minute turn the heat off and by the time the clock dings you'll have the perfect egg for soldier dippin
Jeff J
2006-07-31 05:18:11 UTC
It all depends where you live. It might take 3 minutes for a soft-boiled egg down by the seaside, but up a mountain it will take about 5 minutes.

Water boils according to the air pressure and a slight difference of pressure makes a big differece in the time taken to boil,
2006-07-31 05:15:23 UTC
Put the egg in a pan of water and switch on. Time the egg as the water starts boiling. A good gooey yolk will take about 3 minutes.
2006-07-31 07:10:32 UTC
Yes, if you have a medium size egg, drop it into boiling water and boil for 3mins, then lift out and give it another 15secs or so before taking the top off - runny yolk and a soft (but not snotty white). If you have a large size egg though, boil it for about 3 and 1/2 mins (no longer though) then again wait before taking the top off, again, soft but not snotty white. I am also a total advocate for buying organic free range eggs (and I am not an organic person normally) but the yolk tastes sooooooo much better, well worth the extra few pence.
2006-07-31 06:50:18 UTC
Remove the egg from the boiling water with a spoon. Hold it away from the steam and count up to nine. If the water on the egg's surface has all evaporated in exactly nine seconds, you have the perfectly-boiled egg. Works for any kind of egg - any size.
2006-07-31 05:30:06 UTC
Boil your water in the kettle. In the meantime pierce a small hole in the big end of the egg(s) and place in a pan. pour the boiling water into the pan, turn up the heat to max until water is boiling, then turn down to keep the water simmering. In the meantime make two lots of toast in a standard toaster, starting the first one immediately after pouring the water into the pan. When the second lot of toast pops up remove the eggs from the water, and voila! perfect eggs for dipping soldiers into.
2006-07-31 05:27:22 UTC
Bring water to boil then place egg in pan for approximatly 2 minutes 40 seconds, the egg is still cooking inside until you crack it open. You will then have a perfect runny egg.
2006-07-31 07:29:26 UTC
What about the egg timer's that exist already?? I had a boiled egg the other night and it was put into boiled water first then leave for 7-8 mins.... it came out ok... not perfect though! One end was soft and other end was gettin' hard!

One answer said pierce a hole at the end... but doesn't this crack the shell??
Amber A
2006-07-31 08:22:54 UTC
It's like asking how long you roast a joint of beef, that depends on weight! A perfect boiled egg will be totally dependent upon its size as eggs differ, even Large, Medium or Small is only a guide given, all eggs are unique! All the answers given are incorrect without knowing the size of egg.
2006-07-31 06:29:56 UTC
Boil water, place egg in the pan, leave to boil for 2 and half mins to 3 mins - to check if it is ready take out the egg, as it is on the spoon see how quickly the water evaporates off the egg - if it is straight away, it is ready.

Take off top, dip warm buttery toast - Mmmm
2006-07-31 06:07:55 UTC
Yes. Here is what you do.Bring a pan of water to the boil. add two pinches of salt as this stops the eggs fracturing. once pan is boiling add eggs and start timer for 2 min 50 seconds. note 2 min 50 seconds is for eggs that are small to medium. For larger eggs 3 min 10 seconds. once timer has run out remove eggs immmediately and crack open both eggs to the let the heat escape as they will still go hard once out of the pan.enjoy
2006-07-31 06:01:41 UTC
place egg in the water do not start to time the egg until the water starts to boil- 3 minutes from this moment will produce the perfect boiled egg where the white is firm and the yolk is soft- perfect for dipping soldiers!!!
2006-07-31 05:13:09 UTC

Boil up a pan of water, Once at a boil turn the heat off, Put your egg in the pan and leave for 7 minutes.
2006-07-31 07:26:34 UTC
Wait until the water boils then leave for about 1 minute to one min thirty seconds. The pour out the water and put cold water in. Hey presto you get a soft boiled egg, I should know I had two about an hour ago.
2006-07-31 09:46:18 UTC
For perfection every time regardless ot the number or size of eggs you wish to boil, place eggs in a pan of cold water ,bring to a rolling boil( e.g.eggs rolling about in the pan) switch of the heat,leave eggs inthe pan for 3 minutes perfect boiled eggs
lesley k
2006-07-31 06:50:24 UTC
yes, put eggs in cold water,bring the water with eggs to the boil,

once water is boiling, take the saucepan off the hot plate, start timing, every extra minute u leave the eggs in the water gives u extra hardness.

For Hard boiled eggs leave in for 5 min.

Can u buy hard boiled eggs here? I know u can in South Africa.
2006-07-31 07:11:13 UTC
Buy a dozen eggs, boil them first and note down the timings.

Once you have the timings noted, buy the same eggs everytime and depending on how soft or hard centered you need, use those timings.

Practice makes a man perfect.

James B
2006-07-31 06:56:48 UTC
Here's how I do it.

Get a pan of water boiling on the hob. Put the eggs into the water slowly so they don't crack. 30 seconds or so later put your bread in the toaster. Once the toast is done and buttered your eggs will be ready. Take them out and give each one a tap on the top so they don't continue cooking.
2006-07-31 08:02:17 UTC
For hard-boiled eggs the timing is 15 minutes.
2006-07-31 07:29:37 UTC
Place fresh egg in a small pan, half filled with cold water. Add egg and boil using an egg timer as a guide (the one with sand in). Add half a minute more if its a duck egg. An hour if its an ostrich.

Serve with UN peackeepers, brown with butter.
rachel r
2006-07-31 06:18:16 UTC
the perfect way to boil an egg is to boil water, add a bit of salt and drop egg in. forget about it for a while and then u know its perfectly hard boiled. no chance of sarmonella then!
2006-07-31 06:12:07 UTC
Put egg into boiling pan of water then time for 3 minutes, i usually do this by putting toast into the toaster and when the toast pops up my egg is done with a perfectly yummy runny centre.
2006-07-31 06:01:54 UTC
It all depends whether your eggs are coming from the fridge or not. Coming from the fridge: Put the eggs into boiling water for EXACTLY 5 minutes. Perfect.
2006-07-31 06:00:14 UTC
If you slowly lower the egg into freshly boiled water and let it boil for 3 minutes, then lower the temperature for 2 minutes and remove the egg. This gives a boiled egg with a nice runny centre to dip your soldiers into!!! Yum. :)
2006-07-31 05:27:13 UTC
depends really on how fresh your egg is, I once boiled an egg for 15 mins and it was still not done enough to eat, I think it was a bit old. Also depends on where you keep your eggs too, if you keep them in the fridge they take longer and sometimes they crack when you put them in boiling water!
2006-07-31 07:27:45 UTC
When the water starts to boil put the toast on, when the toast pops take the egg up. Crack shell straight away so the egg will not continue to cook.
2006-07-31 06:26:15 UTC
Put the egg in cold water, bring to the boil, turn heat off and put lid on pot for three minutes. Egg guaranteed to be perfect.
2006-07-31 06:12:57 UTC
Put the egg in the water and leave until the water has boiled. After that leave it in for an extra 5 mins if you want it soft and 10 mins if you want it hard. Easy!!!
2006-07-31 05:18:50 UTC
For electric ovens only.

Put the egg in the pan in cold water - as soon as it starts to boil - turn the pan off and leave it to simmer for 1 minute - you will have the perfect soft egg.
2006-07-31 09:09:51 UTC
for soft boiled eggs, put the egg in the water when you turn on the heat, then when the water starts to boil, give it two mins. this way it solves the cracking problem of sticking a cold egg in a boiling pan.
Mustafa A
2006-07-31 06:28:21 UTC
My Methode is a semi boiled egg , I like it not full boiled, I put it with some cold water in a kattle then wait only for few minutes then it's ready !
2006-07-31 05:53:32 UTC
place the water in the pan and start to boil. add the egg straight away. wait until the water has boiled and your egg should be perfect not too soft not too hard
2006-07-31 05:31:00 UTC
To be honest i find that the time spent by scientists on rubbish like this absolutely disgusting. Devote some energy to sorting out the impending environmental disaster instead of worrying about a self timing egg or a car with 456 seat positions.
2006-07-31 05:17:54 UTC
buy one of the egg-shaped boiled egg timers that you drop into the water with the egg - the ones that change colour when soft/medium/hard boiled. Available from good kitchen shops.
thomas e
2006-07-31 11:12:46 UTC
The perfect egg...1: Boil water fresh from a mountain waterfall for 3 minutes.

2:Delicately caress the egg into its place of rest( the egg cup).

3:Lightly toast freshly cooked and soldiered bread, churn butter with your own fair hand and spread evenly allowing to melt.

4:Place it all on a tray allowing the rapturous smell envelope you, place it all on your girlfriends lap... and watch her devour everything that you so skillfully put together.
2006-07-31 07:02:38 UTC
The perfect soft egg is easy, don't do anything just eat it.

Otherwise if you must boil it put it in already boiling water for two minutes then remove from the water and allow it to stand for one minute. Perfect for soldier dipping.
2006-07-31 05:48:02 UTC
simple way to boil the perfect egg is to wait for the water to come to the boil pop your egg in and time it for five minutes exactly
2006-07-31 05:46:42 UTC
James Bond's perfect boiled egg was for three and a third minutes
2006-07-31 05:41:05 UTC
Place egg(s) in kettle

Pour tablespoon of salt over eggs

Fill kettle with cold water

Place on fire and bring to a boil

Boil egg(s) for 5 minutes and turn off fire

Let eggs sit for 10 minutes in water

Drain hot water from eggs

Run cold water over eggs until kettle is cool

Add tray of ice cubes to kettle and fill kettle with cold water over eggs and ice let sit for 10 minutes, drain water and you have a perfect boiled egg(s) ready to peel and eat.
Greg S
2006-07-31 07:03:12 UTC
You've got to be serious!? I'm a hard working man who happened to be on Yahoo and see this appalling Question and Answer session. Is everyone seriously lacking in social skills and personality to actually spend time explaining how to cook an egg?? Good luck to all of you in the future, I feel more then luck will be needed!
2006-07-31 06:59:06 UTC
Actually, I do this facility daily, I tried it times and times and I came up with:

put the egg in in a water and start a timer for 12.5 minute after water starts boiling, and then you find it OK, this for hard one, if you want it soft, make the timer for 10 minutes.

if you put the egg after getting it out from refrigerator and put it in boiling water it will broken.
2006-07-31 06:08:00 UTC
I find if you boil the water first then drop the egg in and time it for 3 minutes then you always get a lovely runny yolk ready for toast soldiers mmm lovely!
2006-07-31 06:05:44 UTC
Depends on the size of the egg. The three minute and seven minutes people frequently talk about are related to a size 3UK egg - of you use a bigger egg, it will take the heat longer to penetrate and therefore will take longer to cook and the reverse for a smaller egg
2006-07-31 05:32:35 UTC
roll yourself a cigarette. make sure the pan with the boiling water is boiling along on a medium high heat. place the eggs carefully in the water with the aid of a spoon . return to your chair and smoke your cigarette. when you are done, the eggs will be done too. u cant fail this .
2006-07-31 05:19:00 UTC
if the water is already boiling - then approx 3 mins... if you put the egg into the cold water and let them boil together, about 7 mins.. for a soft yolk and a white that is hard but not dried out.
2006-07-31 23:09:58 UTC
It takes 4 min for soft yoke and 6 min for a hard boiled egg.
2006-07-31 06:27:44 UTC
3 minutes, 47 seconds for a medium sized soft boiled egg!
2006-07-31 05:52:37 UTC
A definite method is to add two drops veniger into water,also prevents to crack the boiled egg.Three minutes is enough for boiling.
2006-07-31 05:15:47 UTC
There are eggs now which you can buy which are stamped with some dye. They are marked as soft boil, medium and hard boil. Saw it on TV news this morning. The dye changes colour when they are ready.
2006-07-31 06:10:55 UTC
yes, if you go onto, and type in 'egg perfect' into the serch bar it comes up with an item that when placed into the water with the eggs it tells you when the eggs are are ready, you have 3 types soft, medium or hard boiled, I've got one and its brilliant, at £4.95 its cheap to, if you want perfect eggs.
2006-07-31 07:57:28 UTC

There are variables of course e.g. age of the egg, was the water already boiling when you put the egg in etc. but even these stickers wont account for them.

Just trial and error!
2006-07-31 06:51:49 UTC
bring egg 2 the boil, time for 3mines after 3Min's the egg will be perfect
2006-07-31 09:14:10 UTC
Boil the kettle, then add that to your eggs and put on the hob. Set timer for exactly 5 minutes! They come out perfect and runny!!!
2006-07-31 06:17:18 UTC
hard boiled? well this is what i do....

depending on how many eggs you're making will depend on the size of pot but here it goes

fill pot with water, bring it to a rolling boil.

put your eggs in and bring it back to a rolling boil.

from the time it gets to the rolling boil, boil them for 10 minutes.

to cool them, put the whole pot in the sink and run cold water on them.
Sara K
2006-07-31 09:56:03 UTC
Get rid of the shell thing, add milk and a little pepper, heat in a pan....there you go....perfectly scrambled egg

Oops! It was boiled you were wanting. Well, you'll have to eat it now!
2006-08-02 15:22:48 UTC
I love eggs and i will place mine in boiling water for 5 MINUTES they are done to perfection believe me...
The Cat
2006-07-31 07:09:29 UTC
1. Fill saucepan halfway with water

2. Carefully put egg(s) in water taking care not to crack shell

3. Cover saucepan

4. Put saucepan on hob/ring

5. Turn up the heat

6. Let water boil for 3 mins

7. Remove from heat and pour away hot water

8. Fill with cold water and allow to stand for 1min

9. Crack voila!!
2006-07-31 05:41:54 UTC
Before you have your morning shower put the stove on, place some water in a pot and put your egg in them! By the time you finish your shower and got dress you eggs will be done and hard inside.mmmmmmmmmmmmm
Simon E
2006-07-31 05:27:14 UTC
Surely it also depends on the size of egg. Extra large eggs will take longer than small.
2006-07-31 05:25:36 UTC
did you see that on GMTV??? what a load of crap!!! waste of resources and money, its a bloody EGG!!! even Glyn from big Brother can boil a blooming egg! now we have to have sybols that show up for soft, meduim and hard??

what are they ??? huggies nappies?

damp, wet, and change me already!?

just bung it in the pan of almost boiling water (or it might crack) and time three minutes, its not rocket science, why do people have so much bother with this??
carol h
2006-07-31 07:04:38 UTC
Depends on the size of the egg
2006-07-31 05:22:13 UTC
Yes. Boil it and every 2 minutes, crack it a bit. If white comes out, it isn't done. After white DOESNT Come out, leave it for 2 mins, soft, 4 medium, 6+ hard.
2006-07-31 06:55:03 UTC
I have noticed that no-one has considered an Ostrich Egg, this will take around 3 days for soft centre into which you can dip soldiers, I use Ryvita! For a hard boiled, leave it in for a fortnight.

Your welcome!
2006-07-31 06:02:22 UTC
For goodness sake !!! You don't have to be a rocket scientist to boil an egg... Next thing you know we will be getting instructions on which feet to put our socks on.
2006-07-31 05:49:22 UTC
yeah boiling a egg is easy!! put the egg in straight away, and wait until the water is bubbling proply, then time for 3 mins!!!! see EASY!
2006-07-31 06:40:40 UTC
fill a saucepan half way with cold water, put the egg in the pan, and heat on high on the largest hob for 10 minutes. perfect everytime.
sonya l
2006-07-31 06:27:24 UTC
put egg into boiling water slowly to stop cracking then leave to continue boiling for 3 mins mine always turn out lovely if you want it hard boiled leave for a few mins longer.ive even teached my kids to do it this way.
2006-07-31 05:57:50 UTC
If you add a tablespoon of salt to the water I can get it hard boiled in 2 mins
2006-07-31 05:14:34 UTC
5 to 8 minutes
2006-07-31 05:43:09 UTC
boil water

then put the egg in

3 mins little more if its bigger

voila perfect soldier dunking egg
2006-07-31 06:43:40 UTC
4 minutes in boiling water!
2006-07-31 07:14:08 UTC
lakeland plastics have a little egg shaped plastic thing that you pop in the water with your egg and dependant on how you lioke your egg you take it out when the little doohicky is the appropriate colour (red soft to black for hard i think if i remember correctly)
2006-07-31 06:09:46 UTC
Boil water, add egg, set timer for 4minutes, this gives you a softish yolk, if you do not have egg timer, u could always use your microwave!!!
2006-07-31 05:31:35 UTC
Simply put it in the microwave for 3 minutes on full power.

Comes out perfect.
linda p
2006-07-31 09:09:06 UTC
the egg is cooked to perfection if when you lift it out of the water the shell dries instantly
Valdas P
2006-07-31 05:30:09 UTC
5 minutes
2006-07-31 05:15:43 UTC
yes - soft boiled 3 mins in boiling water not from cold

longer for hard

soft boiled mixed with butter and salt have with taost. i'm hungry now.
Steph W
2006-07-31 07:24:15 UTC
Put your egg in a pan! Simple
2006-07-31 05:14:27 UTC
8 minutes
2006-07-31 08:01:21 UTC
I agree with PuNk RocKeR! just one extra thing though.. Turn the heat down slightly after you have added the egg..and it should be spot on!
2006-07-31 08:09:08 UTC
you boil a pan of water, set a timer for three minets, and drop it in.

if you are like me and like it soft in the middle, then take it out at about 2mins 40secs because it cooks even after it is out of the water,

but if you are like my dad and like it hard, leave it in for the full three minets
Evgeni Kravtsov
2006-07-31 06:37:26 UTC
3 minutes 21 seconds.
james r
2006-07-31 05:22:11 UTC
yes, all u av 2 do is boil tha egg gd nd proper, n if and buts about it, jus boil tha egg n stop worryin about such a stupid fing!
2006-07-31 05:13:21 UTC
No becuase it depends how you like your eggs boiled.

Hard or soft you dip soldiers into it or take it to work as a mid morning snack?
Keith O
2006-07-31 07:05:56 UTC
4min 40sec in pre-boiling slightly salted water - perfect every time! Solid white, runny yoke, no slimy bits!
2006-07-31 07:12:23 UTC
It also depends if your eggs are stored in the fridge or in a cupboard.
John Tim
2006-07-31 05:32:46 UTC
spin the egg, if it spins its boiled solid if only a little hard , it will stop spinning much sooner
2006-07-31 06:02:27 UTC
in boiling hot water
2006-07-31 05:16:12 UTC
dont listen to them its 4 1/2 mins
2006-07-31 07:05:35 UTC
I actually have a German electronic egg's fool proof!
2006-07-31 05:29:50 UTC
take the egg from the pan and spin it.

If it spins on its side, its still runny.

if it spins on its small pointy end, its hard.

its not rocket science.
2006-07-31 07:30:27 UTC
No - just when I think I've got the hang of it, it all goes wrong again.
2006-07-31 06:54:32 UTC
There are too many variable

freshness of egg


well done /just done milky white
James D
2006-07-31 07:15:11 UTC
I have always found that 4 minutes suits me.
2006-07-31 05:44:01 UTC
2 hours, just to be on the safe side.
2006-08-03 10:30:13 UTC
3 min and five mins
lucy q
2006-07-31 07:04:45 UTC
well as long as it's cooked i think it;s ok. to test to c if its cooked all u have to do is spin it, if it spins perfectly it;s done, if it spins and tumbles everywhere its raw!
2006-07-31 06:59:31 UTC
Ask the girlfriend!
2006-07-31 09:21:02 UTC
Yep... get your mum to do it! Always comes out right!
2006-07-31 05:23:05 UTC
i'm with teen wolf - 3 mins is never enough!
2006-08-01 01:42:40 UTC
For god sake, I don't know!
2006-07-31 06:55:05 UTC
Get someone else to do it!
2006-07-31 05:49:42 UTC
Yes - Just have your mom do it.
2006-07-31 10:07:49 UTC
crikey, you lot are talkin bout boiling eggs..........pmsl.........sad!

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