It depends on where you live and which type of raw peanuts you want to boil.
There are two types of raw peanuts.
Green peanuts are fresh dug from the ground and contain 35%-50% moisture. Green peanuts are common where peanuts are grown, but costly to ship due to their moisture content (they spoil quickly and must be shipped 2 day air).
Dried raw peanuts are carefully dried to 10% moisture, thus are stable for shipment and storage for many months. Dried raw peanuts are available year round, while green peanuts (unless frozen) are only available during peanut harvest time (about July 1 through the end of October in the USA).
You can buy both green peanuts and raw dried peanuts online. Depending on where you live you may also find them at Asian markets, Farmers markets, natural food stores, and some grocery stores.
Some online sources I've found for raw peanuts (whether green or dried) are Whitley's Peanuts, Hardy Farms Peanuts, Virginia Peanuts, Nuts Online, and Sunland Peanuts.
I know Hardy Farms ships green peanuts (seasonally).
Shipping costs for green peanuts can be greater than the price of the peanuts if you live far from where they are grown, as green peanuts are typically shipped 2 day air to maintain freshness.
Green peanuts need to boil at least 1 hour and up to 4 hours.
Dried raw peanuts need to boil as much as 24 hours.
Boiling time depends on how soft you want the boiled peanuts.
Soak the softened boiled peanuts in the salt water for several hours as they cool to fully saturate them in the salty goodness
Refrigerate or freeze leftover boiled peanuts.