steak and baked potato dinner with?
2006-02-14 12:03:59 UTC
i am making a dinner tonight and it is going to be steak and baked potatos, i would like to make something else that is quick and easy. besides corn or carrots. we arent big vegi. people. any ideas and if you have one, include a recipe or run down on how to make what ever it may be. Thank you!!!
Nine answers:
2006-02-14 12:05:33 UTC
Salad! YUM

Lettuce,tomatoes,carrots shredded of course maybe a few frozen peas shredded cheddar cheese with your choice of salad dressing.
2006-02-14 21:29:08 UTC
garlic roasted califour.

cut a head of cali into pieces. boil a pot of water. blanch the cali(put into the water for 2 minutes and then drain.

Arrange on a baking pan.

crush 6 cloves of garlic and mix with olive oil. Brush oil onto cali. roast in over for 10 -15 minutes.
2006-02-14 20:13:07 UTC
Corn on the cob.

I ually leave the husk on mine and nuke it in the microwave for about six minutes this cooks it in its own juces. It's good. But taking that out of the line of choices a salad probally ceser.
2006-02-14 20:06:45 UTC
Open a can of artichoke hearts. Sprinkle them with some olive oil and some seasoned breadcrumbs. Put them into the oven @350 until hot.
2006-02-14 20:10:30 UTC
A good salad!! Always goes great with steak and potatoes...maybe something with a Parmasan or garlic dressing.
2006-02-14 20:09:41 UTC
green bean casserole? 2 cans of french cut style green beans, a can of cream of chicken (or any other 'cream of' soup) and salt, pepper, gaarlic (whatevr u want)....mix together....bake for 25 minutes on 350 amd sprinkle french fried onions on them and bake another 5 minutes and voila! very good! and good luck!
2006-02-14 20:59:27 UTC
raw cabbage and carrot salad. cut cabbage in very-very thin strips, shred carrots, mix, add olive oil, lemon juice, salt+pepper.
2006-02-14 20:10:55 UTC
Asparagus, yum, yum
2006-02-14 22:31:50 UTC
pasta salads, pasta anything

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