My mom doesn't feed me. How do I learn to cook?
The White Cat.
2010-07-23 21:54:41 UTC
My mom never feeds me and she doesn't even buy food and I basically go the whole day starving and eat only about a meal a day because of it. I am skinny and I keep losing weight and I don't want to lose anymore. She tells me that she shouldn't have to cook for me everyday and that all her friends at work have kids who cook meals for themselves (which I don't believe or believe to be exaggerated). But the problem is, she doesn't even buy food either and she never does.

I have realized that if I don't want to starve, I will have to cook everything for myself. I can't cook most things for myself, especially meat, unless it is something simple or microwaveable. It's not like I can just feed myself because my mom usually doesn't buy the simple cook stuff. Most things I can't cook for myself. I can't even cook bacon. The last time I tried, it popped all over my skin and I couldn't get close to it to turn it off. I need to learn how to cook real food, like steak dinners and stuff. Is there any way learn to cook real food? Can I learn using a cook book?
23 answers:
Blue hills Granny
2010-07-24 02:47:48 UTC
First things first ....if your Mom does not cook or buy food this is a real problem you have to tell your teachers,your friends, and the school counselor anyone and everyone who will listen you have been silent way too long you must reach out for help this is not one should be treated like this no one should go hungry there is something very wrong with your Mom she has to know what she is doing is wrong and is physically and mentally hurting you and is betting you will not tell anyone and if she does not realize this, she has huge problems !!! , If you are able to get money somehow go to the store buy cereal, milk peanut butter ,jam or jelly,graham crackers,pizzas hot dogs & hot dog buns cheese,canned soups, canned spaghetti ,ravioli, canned tuna,lunch meat bread, mayonnaise, mustard or ketchup,things you like and can eat heat and heat easily.You can even buy frozen lasagna or TV dinners all you have to do is slip it in the oven or microwave, according to directions,make sure you have potholders or oven mitts when you remove food from the oven or microwave There are some good websites for cooking like and also they also have cooking videos The very best of luck to you honey and do not suffer any longer please reach out like you are reaching out to us and get help NOW~ your health and well being is at stake 1-800 422-4453 (1-800- 4 -a- child) is the child abuse hotline and you can talk to them tell them exactly what you have told us also go to your google search bar and type in child abuse read what abuse and neglect is ~ you have them~There is also a youth hotline you can type in youth hotline in your search bar and check out the website the phone number is 1-877-968-8454and talk to them right now! Do not be afraid, stand up for yourelf God Bless You
2010-07-23 22:18:04 UTC
Yes, you can start with a cook book. Start with one that has kids' recipes in it, like hot dogs and macaroni and cheese. There are also great 'how to cook' websites out there. Once you learn the principles of cooking it's easier to work up from there.

Cooking is essentially chemistry. You need to know some basics of how heat changes the food and what happens with you change the chemistry by adding spices and other ingredients. You learn a lot by doing and many things won't turn out great the first time, but then you consider what went wrong and do it better the next time (like overcooking steak, adding too much salt, etc). Every cook goes through this, and any time you produce something edible it's a victory.

Here's a few tips:

Speed is not always your friend, because if you cook things too fast you may burn the outside while the inside is still raw, or overcook it entirely, making meat tough and veggies useless (and grease will pop and spatter as you described above). MOST cooking is done at medium heat on the burner (except for boiling water, which can be done on high) or a 350-375 degree oven.

The thicker the meat, the longer it takes to cook. A thin steak should be turned just after a couple of minutes on the grill or pan at medium heat, while a thicker one needs 5-8 mins on a side. Boneless chicken takes about 10 mins on a side for a total of 20.

Some principle with pasta, thin angel hair takes only a few minutes while spaghetti or macaroni take 8-10 mins in boiling water. Boil the water first, then add the pasta so you know when the cooking time actually began.

Roast chicken or bone-in chicken pieces take about an hour to cook.

Most things need to be seasoned with salt and pepper.

Proper tools help also, like kitchen mittens for hot pans and wooden spoons for stirring without getting your hands too near the heat.

Here's a tip on bacon from the website below:

• Bacon can also be easily baked in the oven, resulting in amazingly flat slices. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Place a rack inside a baking sheet. Lay out slices and bake for 10 to 15 minutes, depending on desired doneness level. Voila! Crispy bacon with no curls. You can also use your broiler, but I don't recommend it. First of all, the splatters not only make a royal mess, but also cause flares. Secondly, it requires much more attention. Stick with frying, microwaving or baking.
2016-03-28 07:07:08 UTC
Congratulations! I think you should feel great that you are learning how to cook. Take some cooking classes at one of your local night school extension classes. Invest in a couple of standard cookbooks. Go online for recipes and tackle the easier ones, and do not be afraid to ask questions. There are many people here and where you live that would answer them for you. Have you ever tried cooking with a friend and you could trade recipes? Everybody's mother does not always teach their children to cook. 25 is not too old to learn anything!! Good luck.
2010-07-23 22:12:54 UTC
Woah :( Your mum is abusing you! What mother treats their child that way? Poor thing, you should come live with me, my mum makes nice food :)

But you obviously can't, so I would suggest reading cook books, there are loads of recipes on the internet that will be helpful to you, anything from simple food to the more complex such as steak dinners. is a great place to start. Ask Julie Goodwin to cook for you! Haha jokes about that, but seriously, your mom needs to feed you. And if she refuses, call the police, or child services. Not feeding your own child is a criminal offense. Good luck :D
2010-07-23 22:14:13 UTC
Put a slice of bacon on a paper plate and put in the micro wave for 1 minute, If that is not long enough, add 1/2 minute more, etc. Take a fork to remove the slice. The melted fat will be hot, so leave in in there until it cools.

I would make a good friend and stay at his house all the time. Your mom is wrong. A growing boy needs to eat a lot. When my son was a teenager, he drank a gallon of milk a day as well as all the food in the house.
2010-07-23 22:02:40 UTC
Well first off your mom is abusing you and should drop dead. Sorry but its true. Look on youtube. They have some pretty good videos on how to cook. Better than the food channel. Lol. Anyways, check there. Cook simple things at first. You can do cereal for breakfast and Hamburger Helper and things like that for dinner. Then eventually you can advance to bacon and eggs for breakfast and steak and shrimp for dinner! Good luck.

P.S. I hate to break it to you but your mom is mistreating you. It shouldn't be like that. A 13 year old should not be cooking steak dinners on his own and his mother refusing to do anything for him. If she has ever hurt or struck you. I recommend you tell the police. Seriously dude, that aint right.
2010-07-24 00:00:58 UTC
If your mother won't buy food, how will you cook anything? I suggest you tell someone what is going on that may be able to help you, like a school counselor or the mother of a close friend, or someone in your extended family.
2010-07-23 22:15:02 UTC
Hey sorry to hear about this,

here are a few simple things to make and fairly cheap too

eggs and toast, have some fruit with it.

buy a whole chicken, wash it trim off any fat and then season it with seasonings that you like and roast in oven at 350 until juices run clear.

buy a big bag of potatoes they are very cheap and go a long way. You can cook them in the micro wave, it takes about 5 - 10 minutes, don't forget to poke holes in it first.

hamburger helper is fairly cheap, and come in several flavors.

rice is cheap and goes a long way directions are on the package.

grilled cheese sandwiches and canned soup is an easy meal.

casseroles make great meals and can last a few meals not just one.

try looking at a website called tons of recipes. try typing in budget meals

Good luck
2016-02-13 05:22:03 UTC
At the introduction of the week, prepare a big container of salad to keep in the fridge. If the salad is already made, you're more likely to have greens with your dinner.
2016-04-14 02:23:40 UTC
Add veggies to baked products. You'll never even taste the actual zucchini in these brownies or even the sweet potato in these kind of cookies.
2016-02-27 07:36:55 UTC
Add veggies to baked products. You'll never even taste the actual zucchini in these brownies as well as the sweet potato in these types of cookies.
2017-03-11 22:27:44 UTC
Skip ordering pizza and make one of these simple crusts at home: gluten-free sweet potato crust, a quinoa tulsi crust that's also gluten totally free, or this low-carb cauliflower crust.
2010-07-23 22:00:08 UTC
try mixing a few things the other ppl said buy a cook book, go to classes, watch cooking shows on tv. practice practice practice
2016-07-06 10:36:06 UTC
First off how old are you? If your older then 18 buy your own food. If your older then like around 12 she should buy it for you but you should make it unless its a family diner or something
2016-12-26 18:10:14 UTC
Add protein powder to sweet recipes (like these Rice Krispies treats) to enhance the nutrition.
2010-07-23 22:02:11 UTC
just search for different recipes on the internet or coooking videos. it really isnt that hard to learn the basics...i started cooking meals around 9 years old
2010-07-23 21:57:23 UTC
you can get a decent cook book, but i recommend you go online and search stuff to cook because its free. oh and sorry about ur current situation, that really blows
2010-07-23 21:57:29 UTC
If you live near a community college, they offer cooking classes, otherwise Youtube has instructional videos on how to prepare different things.

Ramen Noodles are always cheap and easy to make.
2016-06-10 09:17:36 UTC
If you're constantly needing high-sugar, high-fat foods, it may mean you should eat more protein.
2016-01-22 20:50:10 UTC
Spray on salad dressing rather than pouring.
2010-07-23 22:34:08 UTC

Child Abuse Hotline. Call it.
2010-07-29 03:09:55 UTC
2010-07-29 17:20:48 UTC
youtube! :0

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.