What is the best type of pan to use on induction stoves?
2013-12-28 15:58:17 UTC
I just got a Nuwave induction cooktop for Christmas and I need to know the best types of pots and pans to use on it. All of my current pans(besides the one that came with the cooktop) are Orgreenic pans. I haven't used the cooktop yet, but i read online that Orgreenic doesn't work on induction stoves. So If I decide I love this cooktop and want to keep it, I am going to have to start collecting pots and pans that are compatible. I just need to know what the best type to buy is. I read that cast iron works, but you shouldn't use it because it scratches up the surface.

Five answers:
Karen L
2013-12-28 17:27:28 UTC
Any pan that's magnetic. That means cast iron, enamelled cast iron, enamelled steel, or stainless. Most stainless cookware is magnetic these days. Any stainless cookware worth buying these days will work on induction. If you're not sure, put a magnet on it. I have induction hotplates on which I do a good deal of my cooking. I use all those types of cookware on them and they all work fine. Buy whichever one you like. I'm calling mine hotplates; to me a cooktop is a thing with four or more burners that is hardwired into your house's wiring. A hotplate plugs into a wall socket. Does cast iron scratch? Oh, probably, but the induction hotplate I got 3 years ago has exactly one scratch on it. Cast iron does tend to have rougher finish on the bottom than other types of cookware. Don't drag a cast iron pan across the cooktop surface and you should be fine. Or put a piece of paper towel under the cast iron pan. I'm serious. I am frying bacon at this very moment on the induction hotplate, with a piece of paper towel under the pan. You can boil water and the paper towel doesn't even change colour.

I know nothing about Orgreenic pans but if you put a magnet on one you will know immediately if they will work on induction or not. Or put a bit of water in one and put it on the induction cooktop on high. If it works, it will be showing bubbles in the water within less than a minute. If it doesn't, the hotplate will probably beep a bunch of times.

I have read that you can use non-magnetic cookware on induction if you get an adapter. The adapter goes on the induction unit, heats up, and the pan sits on the adapter and gets heat from the adapter. Don't know how well they work.
2015-10-01 09:57:08 UTC
People these days demand comfort, versatility and convenience in all the utility products that they purchase. The needs are growing inevitably with time and the consumers want to have specific products for the specific tasks or needs that they have. The portables today are the major needs of any household to cater for their needs once they are on the move or somewhere away from their house.

The portable induction cooktop is one of the fantastic things you can have in your backpack while you are out on some picnic, hiking or anywhere camping outside. The equipment will allow you to cook food just as you would do at home. They are also used in kitchen countertops and even on dining tables for a number of cooking uses that you can do while comfortably seated.

There are many models available in the market and the best portable induction cooktop for anyone will be the one that is feature enriched, durable, versatile and absolutely suitable with the needs and budget of the buyer.
2013-12-28 17:03:46 UTC
I think they will work ok, but the Orgreenic aren't exactly a great pan though. reports on them here, but don't mention Induction Tops

It seems to me if you got the pans with the Nuwave us them, and eyeball them in comparison to the Orgreenic and see what the differences are. I can't see the need to go out and buy new gear, on less money doesn't matter

2016-12-10 10:05:19 UTC
Orgreenic Cookware
2016-10-02 11:29:52 UTC
Nuwave Cookware

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.