Talk to him and ask him who usually cooks his favorite meals for him. If possible then talk with that person and see if they will give you a couple of lessons or give you the recipes.
I learned from watching my Granny and Aunt. My Mom also cooked but she worked full time therefore we spent time with Granny and my Aunt.
We had a very old cookbook which I used to read for hours and tried what looked to be simple.
There are numerous websites to look for recipes. Search under Soul Food, Southern cooking for starters. Also check out Paula Deen. I think Patti LaBelle has cookbooks .
There are also some cookbooks online and websites that show soul food, and southern recipes that are low in fat and sodium but still taste good.
Start with something easy, have him help you if he is better at this than you. :) I enjoyed cooking with my significant other.
I have a friend who lives in MS who I call when I have to cook something I have no idea about, like Sweet Potato Pie.
I also belong to an online recipe site the people there are really nice and helpful. Just join, no cost.
I hope that this was some help to you. Relax and enjoy. And no matter how good the cook may be now they made mistakes when they first started and still do.