Okay I think a lot of people missed the Camping part. You will not have a microwave, toaster or oven if you are camping. Let me give you some tips.
1. Potatoes and goodies:
***Frist of all do Not freeze the potatoes, specially if they have not yet been blanched. That will Ruin your potatoes.
You can do the potatoes up to about 3 days in advance, peel and cut them and put in cold water. No need for lemon juice salt etc... But the idea about rinsing them a time or 2 before youstore them is a good idea.
The sugars/starches in potatoes ferment easily, so rinsing as much of them away as possible is a great idea.
Chop the peppers and onions ahead of time and keep them in ziplock baggies or reseable plastic conatiners.
If you have the time and feel up to it blanch the potatoes the morning of, or before you leave, and then they will cook much quicker. If you blanch them before you leave do not soak them in the water, just keep them well sealed.
2. Fried Eggs:
A couple of cast iron skillets or a large cast iron griddle are the best to use. Put them over a medium heat on the fire add in soe bacon grease, and let that warm up.
Crack your eggs into a seperate bowl so you can make sure there is no shell or borken yolks. Pour the eggs into the heated skillet.
Once the egg white has started to set start making sure it slides around the pan. Use a metal spatula to slowly start to move it around.
For flipping I find taht some times if I slide it onto a plate then make sure ther is enough *oil ir what ever in the pan and then gently flip the egg back into the pan. It is just easier to do it that way than fliping it with a spatula sometimes.
As soon as you flip it take it off the heat or move to a cooler part of the fire, let it cook for a fjust a bit longer and put it on a plate.
*****Always make sure youhave enough oil when making and flipping eggs.
3. Bacon:
Pre cook the bacon in the oven at home before you leave.
Put it on a cookie tray with edges and lined with parchment paper. Bake at 350 for about 15 minutes. You don't want it to get crispy but just cooked. Bacon is smoked so it is already cooked so you don't have to worry about that. Then all you have to do it crisp it up and you will still get that bacon smell in the morning.
Crisp it up in the skillet/grill just before the eggs and keep on the sides.
5. Pancakes:
You could pre-make the pancakes and then warm them up in a slightly warm skillet or layer in a dutch oven with damp paper towels ad put Near a low heat when you get started. Check often to turn and make sure you haven't burnt them.
Or you could make your own pancake shakers. Is it bisquick that has those plastic jars where you just add the liquid, shake ad pour.
Either put all your dry ingredients from a scratch recipe and then wrtie out what else you need and tape it to the side of an old juice jug (Think the big jugs from simpley Orange, or Tropicana)
Or measure out your bisquick and put it then there and then tape a list of what else needs to go in on the side. Shake and pour.
5. Toast is a little trickeir to do while camping but possible.
Since you are having pancakes And potatoes you could even leave that out. Do Not make that ahead of time.
The last thing is to wipe out your skillets and put them on a low heat, put the bread down on the skillet-no butter or anything and slowly let them brown. You can also buy campfire toasting gadgets but kinds silly.
6: Tea, Coffeeand juice:
Just heat water, for the tea and the juice idea you have is good.
Have you ever made campfire or "cowboy" cofffee.
In your metal campfire coffee pot bring water (do not fill the water all the way tot the top) to a boil.
Add in a small styrofoam coffe cup full of grounds (be careful it will boil up and over most likely). If it has stopped boiling give it a minute to retuen to a boil, take off the fire and add another cup full of ice. This will hep the ground settle to the bottom.
Let the coffee sit a minute, then pour and once again let it set for a bit to settle the grounds.
This is a chunky coffe and it is the way it is supposed to be.