Shepards Pie?
2006-02-11 10:25:01 UTC
Can anyone tell me how to make shepards pie?
Four answers:
2006-02-13 18:19:47 UTC
All of the answers you have received so far are all about the same, only corrected for personal taste. The only thing that I can Add for you is the fact that the original, true recipe, which dates back to whenever, calls for the use of lamb, not ground beef. Hence, SHEPARD's pie. When the Euopeans raised more sheep and almost no beef. The beef is an americanized version as beef is more popular an less expensive in the U.S.
2006-02-11 10:28:32 UTC

5 lb. ground beef or ground chuck

2 cans of whole kernel corn

White potatoes




Brow n meat and drain excess oil. Spray your pan with Pam and layer your pan, ground beef should cover entire bottom of pan, layer of cheese on top of ground beef, drain corn and layer over cheese, prepare potatoes "mash" milk, butter and salt.

Your last layer, spread mashed potatoes over the top entirely, sprinkle paprika on top of potatoes.

Bake for 1/2 hour at 350 degrees. Slice in square and enjoy.
2006-02-11 10:52:00 UTC
brown mince drain ..cook mince the way you would do...then add 1 can or 1/2 can of peas to mince.. Boil potatoes then mash them put on top of mince make sure ther's not to much gravy...then switch an egg and pur over top ...put under broiler till brown or you can put in oven till brown..You can also substitute egg for grated cheese family could eat this every night
2006-02-11 11:18:38 UTC
YaYa--GO with joyci's answer. Thats the way I've always made it. (Maybe a little onion/spices with the meat though, huh joyci?)

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